Concussion Updates
Bringing you essential news and information related to all things concussion.
Inaugural Concussion / CTE Awareness Week in Australia: July 10-16, 2023.
Community Concussion Research Foundation Ltd. Media Release: 22/3/2023 Inaugural Concussion/CTE Awareness Week in Australia: July 10-16, 2023. Concussion/CTE Awareness Week 2023 is a national initiative aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge...
Submission to Senate Inquiry into TBI/concussion in Contact Sports – Community Concussion Research Foundation Ltd., January 2023
Download the original MS Word document here: Submission to Senate Inquiry FP[4448] The content of the submission is displayed below (excl. Appendix, available in the MS Word doc). Community Concussion Research Foundation Ltd January...
US health body rules collision sports cause CTE in landmark change
US health body rules collision sports cause CTE in landmark change; Andy Bull comments in the Guardian about a landmark case in world sport. Published on October 24, 2022.
The Concussion Crisis in Australian Football
"The Concussion Crisis in Australian Football", article by Ken Belson in the New York Times, 26th Sept, 2019.
Complaint says 30 players retired due to concussion, Worksafe urged to prosecute AFL
Player agent and concussion campaigner Peter Jess is intensifying his bid for Worksafe Victoria to prosecute the AFL for alleged negligence in dealing with concussion. In what shapes as a key plank of Jess’ fight to launch individual legal action...
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