Inaugural Concussion / CTE Awareness Week in Australia: July 10-16, 2023.

Mar 29, 2023

Community Concussion Research Foundation Ltd.

Media Release: 22/3/2023
Inaugural Concussion/CTE Awareness Week in Australia: July 10-16, 2023.

Concussion/CTE Awareness Week 2023 is a national initiative aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge about concussions and traumatic brain injury in Australia.

During the week of July 10-16, 2023, sporting teams, schools, and communities across Australia will come together to learn about the latest research and best practices for preventing and managing traumatic brain injury caused through sporting injury.

This includes CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) which is a degenerative brain condition linked to repeated sub-concussive blows to the head.

CCRF Chairman Andrew Plympton, a former member of the Australian Olympic Committee and director of the Australian Sports Commission and past St Kilda Football Club President, stated ‘there is no doubt there is a concussion crisis in Australian sport and also no doubt, that general community awareness and understanding about concussion and traumatic brain injury is still at a relatively low level. Concussion/CTE Awareness Week in July will be the most significant national effort to date to raise awareness and understanding of the problems of traumatic brain injury and what can be done to mitigate these issues. Children in particular, are at risk and it is imperative they gain a better understanding from a young age of the need to protect their brain. Awareness will help prevent future complications for people who incur brain injuries with education, prevention and post incident best practice procedures”

Mr Plympton added “Concussion/CTE Awareness Week is a key activity to achieve the aim of the Community Concussion Research Foundation to reduce concussion in sport in Australia by 25% per year from 2024. The goal of Concussion Awareness Week 2023 is to empower communities with the information they need to prevent and manage concussions, and to encourage individuals and organisations to take action now to address this growing health concern. Australia needs to move from laggard to leader in TBI mitigation as a matter of urgency. By working together, we can create a safer and healthier environment for all Australians”.
In closing he said, “Australia desperately needs a consistent national approach to better manage traumatic brain injuries incurred through sport, including a national data base, education and a concussion passport for participants”.

To help raise funds for the educational and awareness programs across the week and ongoing, CCRF is in the process of securing financial sponsorship from individuals and/or organisations who would like to support the education of communities and make a real difference in helping to reduce the insidious damage concussions can cause for individuals, their families, and the community. Sponsorship inquiries can be made through the foundation website.

Concussion/CTE Awareness Week in Australia activities will include:

A toolkit to be distributed to all schools in Australia, including:

  • Concussion and CTE awareness videos and other resources for students, coaches, teachers and parents. The Community Concussion Research Foundation has established a partnership with Stanford University (USA) and other leading providers of educational materials, and these will be kept updated in coming years.
  • A draft Code of Conduct o An Academic Concussion Management Plan: helping concussed students heal while continuing their education o Advice on Return to Play protocols o A national accreditation program • A similar toolkit for sporting clubs across Australia and regional General Medical Practices • A national conference and workshops will be held across the week (‘What’s the big deal about Concussion/CTE in Sport?’) including: o Latest concussion/CTE updates o Discussion about the current Senate Inquiry into Concussion/CTE in Sport o case studies with players o the ‘Future of Football’ panel o past players: the need to stop them falling through the cracks • Daily media bulletins



The Community Concussion Research Foundation Ltd (CCRF) is a not-for-profit registered charity established by founder Peter Jess in 2021 with the following objectives:

  • Promote the prevention or control of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and concussions within a sport setting.
  • Create a Community Concussion Research facility
    – Undertake rapid point of care diagnostic techniques
    – Offer support and treatment (medical, scientific and mental health) to current and retired sports people suffering from the impacts of concussion, traumatic brain injury and/ or chronic traumatic encephalopathy
    – Offer trained medical and scientific support during diagnostic and treatment period of concussion/TBI and/or CTE
  • Collaborate with local and international researchers
  • Work with peak sporting bodies to facilitate the implementation and running of concussion rehabilitation and return to play protocols
  • Partner or collaborate with other organisations to pursue related, similar or compatible activities relating to prevention and control of CTE, TBI and concussion.

The CCRF emphasises the importance of providing a safe playing space for all participants in collision-based sports, whether that be at the grassroots or elite levels. Additionally, CCRF will use best practice science and medical advice to develop proactive intervention, mitigation and prevention strategies to create safer sporting environments.

The participation in collision-based sports has been identified as a precursor for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and mental health issues due to the repetitive impacts and concussions sustained during training and game play. The Community Concussion Research Foundation (CCRF) will provide elite and sub-elite collision-based sports people brain scanning, rehabilitation programs, rapid point of care diagnostic tools and education sessions to discuss the importance of brain health and the risk concussions have on quality of life and the importance of mitigation and rehabilitation

Who we are:

The CCRF Board: Andrew Plympton (Chair), Peter Jess, Professor Mark Cook, Damien Meredith, Brian Roe, Jenny Bromley, John Hennessy.
CEO: Peter Jess.

Media Inquiries

Susan Rudolph
Phone: 0401 030 034
Email: Send Email

43 Fletcher Street

Essendon Victoria, 3040

PO Box 845

Essendon, Victoria, 3040

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